Due to the horrible service I've received at Kaiser Permanente I send the following email to Dr Kevin Madden.
Look you must understand that I have received horrible service from
your staff and Kaiser in general ever since I got here. As a
professional it should concern you and you should strive to make
changes. You should also reach out directly to your patients, also known
and CUSTOMERS, to rectify such situations. I've had to endure constant
ignorant and unprofessional behavior from your staff time and time
again. Look when I ask a question I expect an answer. And I expect that
answer to address my question directly. When that doesn't happen I
naturally get frustrated. The your staff takes it upon themselves to
hang up on me calling *me* unprofessional merely for raising my voice
and getting frustrated. Really? Professionalism is what you do and how
your perform. It is never, I repeat NEVER professional to hang up on
somebody - PERIOD, end of story.
And it's not like I'm asking unreasonable questions nor asking for
unreasonable service. I never signed up for YOUR pharmacy - you threw me
into your pharmacy. After finding out that my plan doesn't cover the
costs of any prescriptions I could see no reason to continue with Kaiser
Pharmacy. Juggling bottles and pills and having to take time out of my
day to drive over and pick up prescription is so 20th century. Pillpack,
my pharmacy is much more convenient and probably cheaper. I say
probably because I couldn't get Kaiser to give me a break down of prices
so I could compare and ya know - SHOP! Like you do with every other
business you spend money on.
Way back on 01/31/2018 I told you via this crummy email system (why
do you need to re-invent email?) that Pillpack was my pharmacy. In that
message I gave you the name, address, phone number and email of
Pillpack. But Kaiser wouldn't lift a fucking finger to change anything,
insisting instead that I go through the effort to contact Pillpack and
have them contact Kaiser Pharmacy. For gawd's say why? Let's look at
this from a business perspective. I have a financial adviser. I have a
CPA. Sometimes they work together. If my CPA changed I could call up my
financial adviser (or shudder - send him and email) with the name,
address and other contact information for my new CPA. My financial
adviser would not say "Well you need to call up your new CPA and have
him get in touch with me. I will not take his contact information from
you and I won't call him until you do that". No fucking way. He would
thank me for the update and note the change. Why can't you do that?
On 2/19/2018 I sent you a message telling you I will not tolerate "robo
calls". I got a call from Kaiser with an "Important message from Kaiser"
then proceeded to have to deal with some complex menu system, proving
who I am, and telling me to do this and do that. Not a human mind you - a
machine. Sorry I don't have time to deal with that fucking shit. If you
have an important message for me the pick up the fucking phone and call
me like a human fucking being. Or have a subordinate call me. Or get
this - send me a fucking email message using regular plain old email!
But I'm not gonna spend my night taking a test with some machine's
menuing system.
On 2/25/2018 I emailed you again through this crummy email system
because Pillpack had not yet received a refill prescription for
Lisinipril and Simvastation. Mine you that was 25 days since I asked you
to change pharmacies and you apparently had not managed that simple
feat yet!
On 2/27/2018 I got an email, a regular email to my email account
saying that there was an important message about my health from KP.
Contained in that email was a button that said "View my message". Gee
and email about and email that I have to go get. How stupid! Of course,
it directs me to a web page where I have to login, AGAIN. Have you guys
ever heard of cookies?!? Geeze H Christ! And to add insult to injury
(where's the Hippocratic oath where it say first do no wrong?) when I
finally get logged in there is no message to be found.
And today (3/6/2018) I call up because Pillpack has informed me that
they don't have a prescription for Metaformin 1000mg. I called up and
was told it was sent to, you guessed it - Kaiser Pharmacy. I've been
trying to get you guys to fix that for 2 months now. WTF?!?
If this wasn't so crappy, so fucking unprofessional behavior with
constant errors and screw ups on Kaiser's part it would be funny but we
are talking about my health here. Get off your ass and get it fucking
right already!
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