Ron Van Scherpe pointed me to how to add a [home] link to gallery. I think they call these bread crumbs probalby because they leave a trail of bread crumbs as in the old Hansel and Grettle story. Basically one needs to add:
/* home breadcrumb start */ if (strcmp($pAlbum->fields["returnto"], "no")) { $breadtext[$breadCount] ="<a href=\"/\">[Home]</a>"; $breadCount++; } /* home breadcrumb end */to view_album.php in your Gallery directory approximately at:
} while ($pAlbumName); /* INSERT IT HERE */ //-- we built the array backwards, so reverse it now ---This added a link to all albums however the main page lacks the link. Then I found this and decided to go that way. It took a little bit of time to realize I could include my site-functions.php and use my copyright function for the footer. Still don't like the bland Home link at the top but will work on this later.
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