Thursday, November 23, 2017

Passing the Bluetooth torch

I have many problems with Bluetooth not working correctly. The problem is that when it does work it's great. But when it screws up it's extremely frustrating. This should not be as hard as it is!!!

Here's my biggest problem: I have a pair of LG HBS-730's that I use all the time. I also have Bluetooth in my 2013 Camaro. Finally I have a Galaxy Note 3 phone running Android. As I approach my car I'm often listening to something on my headset. I get in the car and start it up. Now I want to "pass the Bluetooth torch" from the headset to the car.

The problem is if I start up my car but I forget to disconnect the headset form Bluetooth then the car will connect to Bluetooth but only the Phone profile - not the Media profile. At this point I cannot get the car's Media profile to connect to the phone no matter what I try! If I hit the Media profile to connect it it flashes for a second then stops. I will not connect. I can turn off Bluetooth and turn it back on. Nada. Same problem. I can put the phone into airplane mode - same problem. I could turn off the radio... turn off the car. Nothing.

Then I discovered that when I turn off the car and open the door, at that precise moment the Bluetooth connection to my phone and the Phone profile disconnects. Great. So I'll just close the door, turn on the car and I should be set right? No! Instead, in order to get my phone to connect to the Bluetooth Media profile if I committed the sin of forgetting to power off my headset before the car attempts to connect I have to turn off the car, open the door at least briefly to have the Bluetooth drop then wait anywhere between 1-3 minutes before turning the car on! This is extremely frustrating! At that point, when I turn the car back on, if the radio displays the splash screen I know it's re-initialized the Bluetooth driver such that it will connect. UGH!

Now I'd love to say to Chevy, "Hey your Bluetooth implementation sucks. Fix it!" but I have little hope that the dealer's mechanic jocks really know anything about this nor will they be able to fix it. So I've tried to get around this by using Tasker and setting a profile for "Near Bluetooth" to quickly turn off my headset so that the car can connect. The problem is Near Bluetooth and the car itself both are polling some amount of seconds looking for Bluetooth devices. So if Tasker is gonna poll in 20 seconds from now but the car is in it's polling cycle and has only 10 seconds left then the car will attempt the connection, fail and be in the bad state described above. But it Tasker is in it's cycle and is going to poll in 10 seconds and the car's gonna poll in 20 seconds then it'll work.

I've also experimented with A2DP Volume, which seems to handle this a bit better but I still experience times when it messes up.

Has anybody experienced this and has come up with a more reliable workaround?

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